Klang, 29 Oktober 2014 - YB Dr. Xavier Jayakumar turun padang pada hari ini melihat sendiri masalah banjir yang dihadapi penduduk di Jalan Sri Sarawak 9, Taman Seri Andalas, Klang. Aduan telah diterima dan tindakan susulan akan dilakukan.
Mahkamah Persekutuan hari ini dimaklumkan terdapat jurang dalam bukti DNA yang dikemukakan pihak pendakwaan semasa perbicaraan kes liwat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada 2008.
Peguam Sangeet Kaur Deo berhujah, terdapat jurang menghubungkan DNA yang ditemui pada tiga item di sel penjara Anwar, dengan DNA pada dubur pengadu, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
Ketiga-tiga barang itu ialah - berus gigi, botol air mineral dan tuala "Good Morning" - yang didakwa digunakan Anwar semasa ditahan semalaman untuk siasatan pada Julai 2008.
Peguam Sangeet Kaur Deo berhujah, terdapat jurang menghubungkan DNA yang ditemui pada tiga item di sel penjara Anwar, dengan DNA pada dubur pengadu, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
Ketiga-tiga barang itu ialah - berus gigi, botol air mineral dan tuala "Good Morning" - yang didakwa digunakan Anwar semasa ditahan semalaman untuk siasatan pada Julai 2008.
"DNA dalam rektum Saiful dan DNA dalam tiga item itu sepadan. Tetapi siapa pemilik DNA itu? Mereka tidak tahu, lalu menamakannya 'Lelaki-Y'," katanya dalam hujah menyokong permohonan membatalkan sabitan kes liwat itu.
29 Oktober 2014 - YB Dr. Xavier Jayakumar bersama-sama penyokong Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim di luar Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya.
28 Oktober 2014 - YB Dr. Xavier Jayakumar bersama-sama penyokong Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim di luar Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya.
Happy Deepavali
Dear friends,
The past year has been tough, filled with many challenges. As the saying goes, “ when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” We have weathered the storm to an extent and we should now prepare for the future. A future where we can hope to create a fair and open administration. We need to leave behind those who seem to always perceive a doomsday scenario. National integration begins when the country comes together and the leadership makes a sincere effort to make all feel wanted and their needs taken care of. But unfortunately there are still those out there who end up giving only lip service.
In this context, we should not take the Indian votes for granted. This goes both for the BN and PR parties. I ask that we in PR take a serious effort to understand the socio-economic problems of the community. Whatever we do should be reflective of what the community needs in the future – and not leave them out. Let us not just conduct “one-off” programs just to get votes. There must come a time when handouts like hampers do not matter. The community needs an overall change – a structural change, and not just free meals and handouts. There has to be an urgent political will and concerted effort to bring about change and the right type of programs that will have a long lasting effect on the community. This as the community feels it has often have been misled and cheated by promises made during festival and election times.
Lets make our efforts count – make changes that will be reflective of the Malaysia we want to see.
There also seems to be so much confusion on the ground as to the direction the government is currently taking. At one end we conduct a worldwide campaign for a place in the UN Security council, calling ourselves moderates. But back home we see the government going after anyone who dares to give an opinion or speak their mind. The Sedition Act is being misused !
This seems to be the rule of law for Malaysians, resulting in a very frustrated public. The leadership has to ensure that fairness and justice is an integral part of decision making.
We need to choose leaders based on their capabilities and not on race or religion. Government servants must not take sides and that they must serve the government of the day. Both politicians and civil servants must demonstrate a high level of integrity and willingness to bring about change in society. At present we are continue to lose the confidence of the rakyat.
I would like to appreciate and take this opportunity to thank all the NGOs who have worked tirelessly to improve the situation on the ground. We need the political will, knowledge and skills to make changes for the better.
We hope and pray that this wonderful country Malaysia will move forward and continues to provide equal opportunities for all its citizens.
Iniya Deepavali Nalvalthukkal!
A Very Happy Deepavali,
Demi Rakyat,
Dr Xavier Jayakumar
Vice President Parti Keadilan Rakyat
ADUN Seri Andalas (N49)
The past year has been tough, filled with many challenges. As the saying goes, “ when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” We have weathered the storm to an extent and we should now prepare for the future. A future where we can hope to create a fair and open administration. We need to leave behind those who seem to always perceive a doomsday scenario. National integration begins when the country comes together and the leadership makes a sincere effort to make all feel wanted and their needs taken care of. But unfortunately there are still those out there who end up giving only lip service.
In this context, we should not take the Indian votes for granted. This goes both for the BN and PR parties. I ask that we in PR take a serious effort to understand the socio-economic problems of the community. Whatever we do should be reflective of what the community needs in the future – and not leave them out. Let us not just conduct “one-off” programs just to get votes. There must come a time when handouts like hampers do not matter. The community needs an overall change – a structural change, and not just free meals and handouts. There has to be an urgent political will and concerted effort to bring about change and the right type of programs that will have a long lasting effect on the community. This as the community feels it has often have been misled and cheated by promises made during festival and election times.
Lets make our efforts count – make changes that will be reflective of the Malaysia we want to see.
There also seems to be so much confusion on the ground as to the direction the government is currently taking. At one end we conduct a worldwide campaign for a place in the UN Security council, calling ourselves moderates. But back home we see the government going after anyone who dares to give an opinion or speak their mind. The Sedition Act is being misused !
This seems to be the rule of law for Malaysians, resulting in a very frustrated public. The leadership has to ensure that fairness and justice is an integral part of decision making.
We need to choose leaders based on their capabilities and not on race or religion. Government servants must not take sides and that they must serve the government of the day. Both politicians and civil servants must demonstrate a high level of integrity and willingness to bring about change in society. At present we are continue to lose the confidence of the rakyat.
I would like to appreciate and take this opportunity to thank all the NGOs who have worked tirelessly to improve the situation on the ground. We need the political will, knowledge and skills to make changes for the better.
We hope and pray that this wonderful country Malaysia will move forward and continues to provide equal opportunities for all its citizens.
Iniya Deepavali Nalvalthukkal!
A Very Happy Deepavali,
Demi Rakyat,
Dr Xavier Jayakumar
Vice President Parti Keadilan Rakyat
ADUN Seri Andalas (N49)
Pertandingan Futsal Seri Andalas
Menghadiri Majlis Irama Deepavali
Banting, 18 Oktober 2014 - YB Dr. Xavier Jayakumar pada hari ini menghadiri Majlis Irama Deepavali Kuala Langat di Banting.
Kuala Lumpur, 16 Oktober 2014 - Bersama-sama kira-kira 600 peserta - sebahagian besarnya peguam - berarak dari Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur ke bangunan Parlimen untuk membantah Akta Hasutan.
Over the past week, there have been several issues that have threatened to destabilise the peace and harmony that this country has long fought for.
Vernacular schools
The most recent is the intention by Petaling Jaya Utara Umno division deputy chief Mohamad Azli Mohemed Saad to propose that the fate of vernacular schools should be debated at the upcoming Umno general assembly.
Even worse was the immediate reaction by Cheras Umno division chief Datuk Seri Syed Ali Al Habshee who also supported that vernacular schools should be done away.
As far as I am concerned these statements are absolutely irresponsible and wrong.It seems that Umno's sudden attack on vernacular schools is just another one of the Malay party's usual hype that its members create for themselves to flex their "Ketuanan Melayu" (Malay supremacy) muscles to its members.
It is not surprising that each year, before, during and after the Umno General Assembly, that the party will disregard its Barisan Nasional allies such as MCA and MIC by churning such callous statements.
In setting the record straight however, while Umno has its right to champion the cause of the Malays, they also should learn how to respect the rights of non-Malays in the country by not questioning it.
During my stint as the state executive councilor for Selangor, Indian affairs was one of the portfolios that I was tasked to handle.
From my experience in handling Tamil schools in Selangor, I learnt that a large number of Indian professionals have emerged from these schools and are contributing immensely towards nation-building. Many of them sit in the school's Parent-Teacher Association and donate as much as they can towards the overall improvement of their respective schools.
While 60% of the Indian parents throughout Malaysia choose to enroll their children in Tamil schools because they have lost faith in the national school curriculum.
Tamil schools despite the lack if government assistance is able to produce straight As students consistently and sometimes even higher than national schools.
Besides Tamil schools unlike Bumiputera-only institutions such as MARA and UiTM allows all races to enroll in them, fostering national spirit and unity.
Why in this case Umno not scrutinise the effectiveness of national schools in nurturing national unity instead ?
Is it because it is something under their purview which has failed and that the Minister of Education Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who is also Umno deputy president is unable to answer the public ?
When addressing the lack of English speaking talent within the high levels of civil service, I wonder as to why the Federal government makes no effort to establish English-medium schools in particular areas such as rural locations to address that issue as well ?
By establishing such schools, won't we will be able to give our children a brighter future and greater accessibility to the world.
It is only better if the ruling government sets out to provide more opportunities to our children instead of considering the removal of vernacular schools.
Another issue which crept up recently was when PAS called on the authorities to immediately stop Carlsberg Malaysia’s Oktoberfest Beer Festival as its large-scale promotions could challenge the sensitivities of the Muslim community.
Quoting PAS' Temerloh MP Nasrudin Hassan, the festival should be banned by all authorities — federal, state and local governments as it is deemed to insult Muslims.
While Umno paper Utusan Malaysia also quoted Selangor Umno chief Datuk Seri Noh Omar calling Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali to remove the billboard which publicised the festival immediately as it appeared to have the consent of Muslims in the area to join the beer festival.
The fact is alcohol has never been a major problem for Muslims, and no organisations would dare invite or promote Muslims to consume alcohol at all times not just Oktoberfest.
As such how can Muslims who profess their faith be attracted to such billboards and feel threatened by it ?
As a Malaysian and a non-Muslim, all of us are taught to respect and consider the sensitivities of Malay and Muslim community.
However why is the sensitivities and affairs of non-Muslims often scrutinised and breached ? Isn't it clear in the Federal Constitution as to the rights of non-Muslims as well ?
PAS and Umno must also think on larger scale when I talk about sensitivities. If they come up with the fact that they are by far the majority race and religion in the country, they should also consider that Non-Muslim Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak also make up a large number of the population, and that their sensitivities and impression on the current happenings in the Peninsular most certainly would affect them as well.
Perhaps then they would realise that the gap is not big after all.
With that in mind I hope that Umno and some of the PAS members could learn how to compromise and live harmoniously with other race and religions.
It is saddening to see both parties in trying to champion the party's cause bring up matters that hinges of racial division.
In the time when there is a desperate call for moderation and compromise between all layers of the colourful Malaysian society, I hope that these parties send the correct message to Malaysians in the future.
Sedition Act
The recent haul of many Opposition leaders as part of the Sedition Act dragnet by the Federal government clearly show double-standard practices.
It is sad that not only my brethren in the Pakatan Rakyat coalition such as PKR's Bagan Serai MP N. Surendran, Pandan MP and PKR vice president Rafizi Ramli, PAS' Shah Alam MP Khalid Abdul Samad, and DAP's Cheras MP Teresa Kok to name a few but Universiti Malaya law lecturer Azmi Sharom as well.
We all know that the Sedition Act by its content defined too broadly and is susceptible to abuse.
Worst still it is being used to criminalise almost any kind of democratic speech including legitimate criticisms against the Federal government and authorities.
My question is why as I mentioned them earlier has Mohamad Azli and Syed Ali Al Habshee have not been arrested and investigated by the police for sedition ?
There is a clear cut precedent when former Umno MP for Kinabalu Mark Koding was convicted for sedition in 1982 after calling for Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools to be abolished in 1978.
Should the authorities not act upon this immediately ?
In August, the racist academician Ridhuan Tee Abdullah in a column published by Sinar Harian warned that Selangor will be known as 'Selangor Darul Babi' if the-then Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is removed from his position.
He made this comment over a proposed pig-farm project which was never approved.
However how can he insult the state of Selangor, its royal institution and the ruler with such insinuation and get away with it ?
Is it because of his often heavy and vitriolic criticisms against non-Muslims which favours the Umno-ruling government ?
As many continue to plead for the law is be abolished, my point here is to not encourage more people to be hauled up under such an abysmal law but to ensure that while it is still enforced, that the government should be fair and just to its people instead of favouring those who support them instead.
Demi Rakyat
Selangor State Assemblyman for Seri Andalas
Sekitar kempen derma darah yang diadakan di tokong Sou Gui Miao, Klang pada 12 Oktober 2014. Lebih 50 orang tampil menderma darah.
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