FEBRUARY 26, 2009

Besar Incorporated (MBI) today has directed Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad (PNSB) to submit to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) a list of all benefits in kind the company has given to its employees in the past years. This directive was made following the discovery that PNSB has over the years failed to declared benefits in kind in the EA forms submitted to IRB .

Dato Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who is the chairman of MBI and PNSB, said the move is to ensure that the state subsidiary does not run foul of the income tax laws. PNSB has over the years given its employees – including its Chairman, members of the Board of Directors benefits in the form of material, cash or both. Among the benefits include cars and drivers, as well as holidays for local and international destinations.

Holiday benefits are given to all staff while cars and dedicated drivers are provided only to Chief Executive cum Director, senior managers and managers. A group of advisors appointed by MBI is currently running an evaluation exercise on PNSB to enhance its performance. In the process it was discovered that the previous chairman Dato Seri Mohamad Khir Toyo in 2005 was provided a car (Toyota Harrier) and a driver in 2006. He used these benefits until he resigned as PNSB chairman in March 2008.

However none of these benefits were not included in the EA forms submitted by PNSB earlier. It was also pointed out that the petrol and vehicle maintenance of the Harrier was also paid by PNSB. The Menteri Besar is aware of the growing concern among PNSB employees on the financial implication due to the under declaration of the past EA forms. He urged the staff to be patient as they now will have to wait for the IRD to raise the additional individual assessment.

He also promised that PNSB will hence comply with all regulations stated in the Income Tax Act when submitting the EA forms.


5 Mins With Dr Xavier

(Malay Mail)

Is it true that the council is neglecting its duties at several neighbourhoods in Klang?

That is certainly not true. The council has already cleared up the rubbish pile at Jalan Sri Damak twice. However, some irresponsible people are dumping rubbish again at the same place, at night. This is frustrating. How often can the council clean that particular place if certain members of the public are not being responsible themselves?

There have also been various complaints forwarded about the council neglecting its cleaning duties in your constituency. What are your views on this?

The rakyat must understand that rubbish collection is entrusted to an independent contractor. The council cannot act on its own as it could be construed as a breach of contract. It must wait for the contractor to take necessary measures.

What does the State plan to do about this?

Firstly, we are going to make the current cleaning zones smaller and bring in more contractors for a more focused clean-up of the areas. Secondly, we are no longer going to give long-term contracts to cleaning contractors. We are only going to give year-long contracts and the government will review the contract at the end of every term. Therefore, if a particular zone receives many complaints from the public, the contract will not be extended. I am also asking the people to change their mentality and not litter or throw their garbage at every corner.

What about the traffic congestion in Klang?

Klang is a very old town. The planning was done a long time ago. Now we have a million residents in Klang. We cannot simply relocate everything. It takes time. Of course, there is going to be congestion for the time being. All I can ask is for the people of Klang to be patient. I cannot make a difference within 10 months over what has been going on for 50 years.

Bicycles for poor students


FLASHBACK Monday November 3, 2008, The STAR

Bicycles for 11 kids in Kuang estate


NINE children who come from poor families in Ladang Bukit Darah in Kuang near Sungai Buloh now need not walk to school anymore.

Selangor State Health, Plantation Workers, Poverty and Caring Government Committee chairman Dr Xavier Jayakumar Arulanandam and Selayang MP William Leong presented the bicycles to the children and hampers were given to some 30 poor families at the Balairaya Kg Stesyen in Kuang recently.

Rapt attention: The children and the parents listening to the speech by Dr Xavier.

Previously, the children take a half-kilometre walk from Ladang Bukit Darah to school daily.

Besides this, it is learned that the household income of their parents is less than RM1,000 a month.

Xavier said that the reason for this presentation was to show the public the Selangor state government is helping the poor and people from all races.

“We care about the senior citizens from all races and also care about students. That’s why we give aid to poor students no matter what race they are.

“In fact, we want to ensure that the poor children get quality education in the state without having any excuse of the children not going to school,’’ he said.

Perak new MB and 6 EXCOs suspended

I am thrilled at the latest developments in Perak. . . .

"The Perak state assembly's special privileges committee today suspended the state's newly-minted menteri besar Zambry Abdul Kadir and all his six executive councillors.

The decision was announced by Perak state assembly speaker V Sivakumar after the committee's inquiry proceeding in Ipoh this afternoon.

Zambry was slapped with an 18-month suspension while the excos have been suspended for 12 months.

Sivakumar, a DAP state assemblyperson, is still the Perak speaker as the BN government has yet to convene the state assembly to replace him with one of their own

Technically this means that Pakatan Rakyat can take back control of the state
Read it HERE and HERE on Malaysiakini
Elizabeth Wong or 'Eli' as she is known to me, has been a dear friend for many years, and this past 11 months she has been a colleague that I am proud to have with us in the Selangor EXCO. Her hardwork, enthusiasm and creative input is exemplary.

I personally would urge her not to resign, and that she stay strong and stay with us in Pakatan Rakyat. I would also like Malaysians to realize that this is the despicable state of Malaysian politics. It is high time that the rakyat show the Malaysian people that they have had enough of this sort of public smearing and viscous attacks on individuals private lives.

"Dirty gutter politics is not the way of life of Malaysians" !!!

Video from Malaysiakini (I am at minute 4:15 onwards)

Media Statement (2) by Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on Saturday, 1st August 2009:

Why was health, in particular the war against two killer epidemics – A(H1N1) and dengue – excluded from Najib’s National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) announced last week?

Health Minister, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai cannot be serious about his ministerial commitment to provide the best health services in the country when the health front, in particular the war against the two killer epidemics of A(H1N1) and dengue are excluded from the National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) announced by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak last week.

In fact, it is not only Liow but also the Minister for KPIs, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon who should also explain why the Prime Minister’s short-term targets for six NKRAs had excluded health, especially with the country facing two killer epidemics.

There have been 69 new locally-transmitted influenza A(H1N1) cases reported on Thursday, bringing the total number in the country to 1,371 with four deaths so far.

At a recent briefing to the National Influenza Pandemic Task Force meeting (July 27, 2009), Dr Tee Ah Sian, director of communicable diseases of WHO, painted a possible scenario for the Malaysian A (H1N1) pandemic.

For our 27.7 million population, if simply 20% are at risk and exposed, then some 5.5 million people will contract the A (H1N1) flu. Based on other serious influenza statistics, if 2% to 9% require hospitalisation then, some 110,000 to 500,000, respectively, would need hospital care.

If the case fatality rate is estimated to be from 0.1% to 0.5%, then some 5,500 to 28,000 of infected patients would die, respectively.

In the latest updates of the most seriously ill patients identified and confirmed infections, the global case fatality rate has risen from the 0.4% to 0.66%.

On the second killer epidemic front, dengue has killed 64 persons and recorded 26,446 cases since January – set to break even last year’s worst dengue epidemic of 49,335 cases and 112 casualties.

As the worst in Malaysia on both killer epidemics are yet to come, the Cabinet next Wednesday should censure Liow’s deplorable ministerial performance and announce the seventh NKRA on the short-term targets in the war against these two killer epidemics.

In the past two days, I have received numerous public complaints about the government’s handling of the A(N1H1) epidemic as well as the quality of hospital services, like the following three from Malacca, Kuching and Johore Baru: -

(1) Malacca - On the Influenza A(H1N1): I find that what the minister of health and the DG of MMC say is not what is being practiced at the government hospitals.

My girl is sick since Monday night and has been to 2 private clinics three times, and one clinic, the Dr. said to wait for three days for the antibiotic to take effect.

As she continued to have high fever, and as advised by the Dr in the 2nd private clinic, today she went to Malacca Hospital.

After waiting for three hours, she finally gets to see the Dr. only to be told to wait another three days, and new medicine issued. When asked, they said she did not have to undergo the swab test. This inspite of the several cases of the A(H1N1) at her university in Bukit Beruang.

Dato’ Seri Liow is quoted as having said that all those with symptoms should undergo the swab test. However, sad to say, the message is not going to the ground level, where a totally different stance is being taken. They call it the ‘mitigation phase’.

I ask: What if three days or one week is too late? (My girl is underweight and not terribly strong.) Is that how the other deaths occurred?

Why minister and DG say one thing, but hospitals and IMR not listening? Does it surprise you then that the number of cases are escalating day by day?

DG of MMC today said the people are not doing enough. I was informed by a doctor in private practice that countries like Hong Kong are doing a great job in containing this pandemic. Why Malaysia cannot do? How many more deaths is it going to take?

(2) Kuching - My daughter had fever, sore throat and cough after visiting KL and Malacca. We brought her to a private hospital in Kuching and she was given antibiotics and sent home.

At night, she developed high fever, chills, headache and nose block and I was horrified after searching on the internet that she was displaying symptoms of H1N1. We went back to the hospital and was advised to go to SGH, as they did not have the checking facilities.

At the SGH, it was chaotic with babies and other cases all waiting to be seen at the same place. They were totally unprepared, understaffed, and one staff was angry to see us waiting at the H1N1 area, shouting, “another one? I havent even eaten”.

We were told they were at the “mitigation stage”. When I asked what that means, it means the H1N1 is too prevalent, they are treating it as the normal flu. They would not be doing any blood test, or throat swab. We were told to quarantine ourselves, continue taking the private hospital medication, and they would only treat us if we have blue lips, vomiting blood or have difficulty breathing!

They said this direction came from up.

Today, I read in the news paper, 14 new cases discovered. I wonder how do they know when they dont conduct checks?

This Government is a joke!

3) Johore Baru - I been to 3 general hospitals in JB and waited 4 months to diagnose that I have a kidney stone that is too big and needed urgent surgery. Worst is that I have to wait until end of the year to get it removed (because, all booked), they say they will put a tube for temporary measure.

Last 2 weeks, I have got it removed in Private Hospital with only 2 days upon diagnosis & the stone is bigger than my thumb.

Story behind on general hospital in Jb:

unable to diagnose first hospital after 3 days hospitalised)

Send to second hospital then subsequent third hospital, stayed for 13 days for antibiotics then only send for MRI… unfortunately, it broken down, have to wait another one & half month (for it to get parts to fix it), after MRI, says that that particular hospital do not have urology specialist (whole of Johor, only got one hospital for it).

Upon presenting letter, straight given another month of appointment (the place is cramp like…cannot describe). on the said appointment (although having the MRI scan) need to go for x-ray, then says comeback 3 more weeks.

After 3 more weeks, they says, it is dangerous need surgery but unfortunately have to wait until end of the year.

Come on, is the doctor incompetent? or other circumstances (equipments, hospital utilities etc) render them unable to work properly….Motto…’LET’s Wait until their life in on a thread, then, send for as Emergency case’

Liow should personally respond to these three complaints from Malacca, Kuching and Sarawak.


Selangor dengue outbreak

The article below is to be found on page 15, of The Star today.

However there are some additional important points that I would like to make known.

1. People must be more responsible for their homes and surroundings. Malaysians still believe that the war against the aedes mosquito is solely the responsibility of the authorities. Yes, some the fogging and enforcement is our responsibility, but the bulk of the duty is the peoples'. Especially people who live in apartments and flats, where water can collect on the side-walk, pavements etc.

2. Dengue outbreaks always happen when people come back to their homes after long holidays. [This is a confirmed fact]

I urge people to be more aware of their surroundings, make a complaint if there is a water stagnant in your neighbours house, or in the neighbourhood. (Only if clean water is stagnant)

Things to note :-
a. Make sure the corridoors of apartments and flats are Dry !! Water must not be allowed to collect after heavy rains. Make sure your building management is doing their job.

b. Make sure water is not stagnant for more than 24 hours anywhere inside your home. Especially areas like the garden, toilet and kitchen.


The Star, 2nd February 2009,

SHAH ALAM: Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai has taken the Selangor Health Department to task for failing to take effective measures which led to the outbreak of 68 dengue fever cases at eight apartment blocks here over the last 100 days.

Among the 68 victims living off Jalan Plumbum in Section 7, 70% were students age 17 to 35 from the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).

Liow told department director Dr Rosnah Hadis and Petaling medical officer Dr Ismail Samad that effective and proactive measures should have been taken to contain the disease within the two weeks.

“With immediate effect, all measures must be taken if there are more than two cases and within two weeks, the health department and local councils must overcome the problem,” he said. Liow added that there were 48 hot spots in Selangor which are concentrated in the urban areas.

“Even friends of mine are coming down with dengue fever. Our Selangor MCA state liaison committee deputy chairman Datuk Liew Yuen Keong was struck with the disease two weeks ago,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Rosnah blamed the dengue outbreak at the Section 7 apartments to the higher rainfall and public apathy that encouraged the breeding of the Aedes mosquitoes.

She added that officers from the department were not able to contain the situation as most of the breeding grounds were actually inside the apartments, especially bath tubs filled with water for weeks while the tenants returned to their home towns for holidays.

Selangor Health Committee chairman Dr A. Xavier Jayakumar called on the residents to cooperate with health officers during fogging operations.

“Residents must allow our men to fog their homes. We are using water-based chemicals for fogging, so it will not leave an oily residue.”

Resignation of Perak PKR ADUN's

This evening, we have received the most unfortunate news, that 2 PKR reps (ADUNs) from Perak have tendered their resignation via fax to the Perak Dewan Speaker. This would be a double by-election in Perak within the next 60 days.

The past few days have been rife with the reports of possible defects by both YB Jamaluddin Mar Radzi (ADUN Behrang) and YB Osman bin Jailu (ADUN Changkat Jering). Following their incommunicado status the past 3 days. Both these individuals are the same people who were embroiled in the perak "corruption scandal", where they were caught with cash. (pic courtesy of Malaysiakini)

PKR is first of all very optimistic that we will maintain our grasp on those two seats in Perak. The by-election in KT only goes to show that the Malaysian people have had enough of BN's high-handed and unscrupulous tactics. And they want CHANGE !!

The statement released by the Perhubungan Negeri Perak, Hj Osman Abdul Rahman (who is a good friend of mine), is equally strongly worded.

"Dari awal lagi kami amat yakin pertuduhan dalam kes tersebut adalah satu pertuduhan palsu yang direkacipta oleh UMNO dan BN sebagai satu ugutan politik"

"Kami percaya ada usaha-usaha oleh BN untuk memujuk dua EXCO ini untuk menyertai BN dan sebagai imbuhan terdesak Dato Seri Najib termasuk mengugurkan kes rasuah mereka"

". . . .(we wish that the 2 leaders are safe). . and hold strong to our principles and resolve. . . .

I think Hj Osman's statement says it all. . . . .


This afternoon we had DUN Sri Andalas Chinese New Year open house, in Taman Sentosa, Klang. Jointly hosted by myself and Dr Siti Mariah (Ahli Parlimen Kota Raja). We had a suprise guest of honour, YB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor, graciously found the time to attend our open house and needless to say everyone was thrilled at his presence.

After a quick lunch and the lion dance, Tan Sri and I walked around giving out token Ang-pows to children and meeting the people.

I would like to thank the organizing committe for all their effort, and also thank all the people who attended the open house celebrations. Your support means the world to me.

Thank You.