DSAI to contest at Permatang Pauh



Pakatan Rakyat leaders l-r: YB Sivarasah Rasiah, YB Saifuddin Nasution, YB Azmin Ali, YB Nurul Izzah Anwar, Nurul Nuha Anwar, YB Dato' Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, YB Tan Kok Wai, Dr. Syed Husin Ali, YB Dr. Xavier Jayakumar.

After deliberating with my family, the Keadilan party leadership and our partners in the Pakatan Rakyat, I have officially submitted my resignation as Member of Parliament of Permatang Pauh to the Speaker of Parliament YB Tan Sri Datuk Pandikar Amin Bin Hj. Mulia today to make way for my husband, Anwar Ibrahim, to contest as a candidate for Pakatan Rakyat in a by-election as soon as possible.

This is consistent with our goals towards securing a Parliamentary majority and forming a new government within this year.

This decision is the right decision for Malaysia.

The nation now faces some of the greatest challenges it has encountered since gaining independence. The UMNO-led Barisan Nasional government has mismanaged the economy and steered the nation towards a catastrophe. It has allowed the integrity of the justice system to fall into deeper infamy. It has stroked the flames of racism and driven a wedge of mistrust between Malays, Chinese and Indians, while thoroughly neglecting the needs of the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak.

Anwar Ibrahim has articulated a vision for Malaysia that has brought hope to the people. He has the experience and intelligence to reinvigorate our economy, and the charisma and integrity to unite the Malaysian people and restore credibility to our institutions of governance.

I will continue to serve as president of Parti Keadilan Rakyat and as chairperson of the Yayasan Aman (Peace Foundation).

I whole-heartedly thank my supporters in Permatang Pauh who have stood by me in the most difficult of times since September 1998 and have shared in the joy of victory we all experienced on March 8th. The future of our nation lies in the dedication and commitment to justice and freedom that I have experienced as your representative in Parliament and I look forward to many more years of serving you with sincerity and with humility.

President Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Selepas berbincang dengan keluarga saya, kepimpinan Parti Keadilan Rakyat dan rakan-rakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat, saya dengan ini secara rasminya meletakkan jawatan sebagai Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh kepada YB Tan Sri Speaker Dewan Rakyat Datuk Pandikar Amin Bin Hj. Mulia hari ini, memberi laluan kepada suami saya untuk bertanding sebagai calon Pakatan Rakyat dalam pilihanraya kecil secepat mungkin.

Ini adalah konsisten dengan matlamat kami untuk mendapat majoriti bagi membentuk kerajaan baru dalam tahun ini.

Keputusan ini adalah yang terbaik buat Malaysia.

Negara ini sedang berhadapan dengan cabaran yang paling getir semenjak mencapai kemerdekaan.

Kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang dipimpin oleh UMNO terbukti telah gagal mengurus ekonomi negara ini dan membawa negara ini menuju kehancuran. Kerajaan ini telah menyebabkan integriti sistem keadilan hancur ke tahap yang memalukan. Ia membiarkan api perkauman semakin bernyala-nyala dan membuatkan etnik Melayu, Cina dan India saling tidak mempercayai satu sama lain di samping sengaja mengabaikan keperluan masyarakat pribumi di Sabah dan Sarawak.

Anwar Ibrahim telah mengungkapkan visi untuk Malaysia yang telah pun membenihkan harapan buat rakyat. Beliau mempunyai pengalaman dan kebijaksanaan untuk membangunkan kembali ekonomi negara ini, juga karisma dan integriti untuk menyatukan rakyat Malaysia serta mengembalikan kewibawaan institusi-institusi kenegaraan.

Saya akan terus berkhidmat sebagai Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat dan pengurusi Yayasan Aman.

Saya mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada penyokong saya di Permatang Pauh yang selama ini sentiasa teguh di belakang saya di dalam melalui saat-saat sukar semenjak dari September 1998 dan saat-saat manis kemenangan 8 Mac 2008. Masa depan negara kita bergantung kepada dedikasi dan komitmen terhadap keadilan dan kebebasan yang saya lalui selaku wakil anda semua di Parlimen dan saya akan sentiasa berkhidmat untuk anda pada masa depan seikhlas mungkin.

Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat

Puan Sri Salbiah's visit (2)


After her stop at Pusat Kasih Sayang, Puan Sri visited Taman Rakyat Sri Andalas, where about 300 people had gathered to meet her at 4.30pm in the evening. Apart from giving her speech, Puan Sri helped to give out donations to 5 other NGO's and 30 hampers to people from very poor families and OKUs. Each hamper was worth about RM 100, filled with household provisions such as rice, oil, milk, flour, sugar etc.

The programe was organised in collaboration with MPK Klang and a tree planting ceremony was part of the programme.

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On the 29th July 2008, Puan Sri Salbiah (wife to Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim) honoured our DUN with a visit that lasted almost 3 hours. Puan Sri's first stop was at Pusat Kasih Sayang, a home for mentally challenged women run by the YWCA of Klang since 1993.

The Pusat Kasih Sayang (PKS) is fully run on donations from the public, and they are always in need of more funds. The first two pictures below are photographs taken inside the workshop (cabin) where the ladies do handicraft and simple tasks to keep their minds busy. The first photo is where the ladies are packing 5 straws into one plastic bag, the leader of the group does the sealing process. The home earns something in the region of RM 8 for 2000 plastic bags of straws.
One can only guess the time it takes for them to actually fill 2000 plactic bags !!

Dr Xavier gave a donation of RM 5,000 to the home, and Puan Sri was the one to present it.
Dr Xavier and his wife Sheila have been involved in PKS since YWCA took over in 1993. Sheila was President of the YWCA of Klang for many years, and only reduced her involvement after the increase in political activity. Hence the home is close to their hearts.

(L to R) Pushparani wife to YB Manoharan, Puan Sri Salbiah, Pn Sheila Devaraj (wife to Dr Xavier), Mrs Olive Sia (chairperson of PKS)
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Hari Keluarga di JDM Dynasty, Sentosa


Family Day, at Taman Dynasty, Hulubalang, Taman Sentosa was one of the loveliest days we've had as the committe of Sri Andalas. It was a day filled with laughter, good family orientated fun, and fantastic weather. The organisers from JDM Hulubalang, lead by Mohd Jaya, had planned the event really well, with activities for participants of all ages. The youngest children aged 4 - 6 had a colouring competition, while the older primary school children partook in a "sukaneka" of various entertaining activites. Towards later in the afternoon the oldies took to the field in a game of "Musical Ball". And much later in the evening the ever so strong men and women had a grand tug of war session. We never expected 6 teams of female tug-of-war competitors. The men on the other hand took their tug-of-war so seriously that we had many on ground very soon. :)

Earlier before the games began, Dr Xavier officiated the opening of the JDM Hulubalang office, that was set up by the JDM themselves.

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Program Jati Diri Wanita Bahgian Kota Raja (20 July)

20th July 2008 - Bahagian Kota Raja. Wanita of Bahagian Kota Raja had our first ever Program Jati Diri event. The turnout was fantastic over 130 women from all over our Bahagian. The aim of the programme was to motivate and get the Wanita into action. We had motivational speakers from the State level to speak on how the Wanita should conduct meetings, plan programmes, speak, prepare and present reports. Our keynote speaker was Irene Fernandez, who not only represented the Central wanita committee but also the PKR Supreme Council.

As the Org Chariperson of the Programme, I was thrilled with the response we got from the ladies. The Programme was officiated by YB Shuhaimi, ADUN Sri Muda and the closing was done by YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar as ADUN of Sri Andalas.

It is greatly hoped and anticipated that with the start of this programme we will be able to get more social service programmes on the way for the people of Sri Muda and Sri Andalas (ie the entire Bahagian Kota Raja)

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YB Sivarasa Rasiah - called in for questioning tomorrow

1) Sivarasa dipanggil polis esok (25 Julai)

Peguam Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim merangkap Naib Presiden KeADILan, juga Ahli Parlimen Subang R. Sivarasa telah dipanggil untuk memberi kenyataan berhubung dengan kes akuan sumpah Bala Subramaniam esok (25 Julai).

Berikut adalah butiran:

Tarikh: 25 Julai (Jumaat)
Masa: 10.00 pagi
Tempat: Bahagian Jenayah Komersial, PDRM Jalan Dato Onn (dekat KTM Bank Negara)

Sidang media ringkas akan diadakan selepas sesi soalsiasat polis.

2) Ceramah Perdana DSAI di Kuala Langat

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan berucap dalam Ceramah Perdana di Kuala Langat esok malam (25 Julai).

Butiran adalah seperti di bawah:

Tarikh: 25 Julai (Jumaat)
Masa: 10.00 malm
Tempat: Stadium Jugra, Telok Datok, Banting, Kuala Langat.

Untuk maklumat selanjutnya, sila hubungi En. Azmi pada talian 012-2327338.

DSAI Press statement 5:45 PM, 15th July 2008

Kuala Lumpur, July 15, 2008, 3:30 PM

This afternoon we have been notified by the DSP Jude Pereira that our client has been summoned to IPK KL tomorrow at 2:00 PM.

This announcement contravenes the agreement we had already made to present our client for his statement on Thursday at 2:00 PM at IPK KL.

Federal CID chief Mohd Bakri Zinin has stated that failure to comply with this sudden change may lead to the arrest of our client.

We are troubled by the threatening language coming from the CID and by the unannounced change. No reason has been given for this change and we are concerned that internal confusion within the law enforcement agencies may precipitate in harm coming to our client.

Notwithstanding these latest developments our client has agreed to fully cooperate with the CID police and appear at 2:00 PM on Wednesday to give a statement.

At 10:30 AM on Wednesday he will also give a statement to the Anti Corruption Agency pertaining to the police report that has been filed regarding suppression of material facts in our client's case in 1998.

We reiterate that until our client has yet to be provided with the police report that has been filed against him despite multiple requests that have been made to obtain it.

Kuala Lumpur, July 15, 2008, 3:30 PM

This afternoon we have been notified by the DSP Jude Pereira that our client has been summoned to IPK KL tomorrow at 2:00 PM.

This announcement contravenes the agreement we had already made to present our client for his statement on Thursday at 2:00 PM at IPK KL.

Federal CID chief Mohd Bakri Zinin has stated that failure to comply with this sudden change may lead to the arrest of our client.

We are troubled by the threatening language coming from the CID and by the unannounced change. No reason has been given for this change and we are concerned that internal confusion within the law enforcement agencies may precipitate in harm coming to our client.

Notwithstanding these latest developments our client has agreed to fully cooperate with the CID police and appear at 2:00 PM on Wednesday to give a statement.

At 10:30 AM on Wednesday he will also give a statement to the Anti Corruption Agency pertaining to the police report that has been filed regarding suppression of material facts in our client's case in 1998.

We reiterate that until our client has yet to be provided with the police report that has been filed against him despite multiple requests that have been made to obtain it.


There are a few times in life when you have a chance to be a part of something historic. For Malaysians, March 8th, 2008 was one of those days...when we went to the polls and our voices resonate with the call for democracy, good governance and the rule of law.

July 15th is another historic day. At 9:00 PM, for the first time ever, there will be a live, televised debate during which Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will explain his vision for the nation and how he plans to reignite the economy which has lagged under the Barisan Nasional government.

The debate, entitled "Form the government today, reduce fuel prices tomorrow", is an opportunity for the people of Malaysia to get involved in the conversation about the future of the country. The dramatic increase in the price of fuel which was enacted by the Barisan Nasional government on June 6th has caused hardship for many families and raised doubts about how well the government is managing the economy. The government's policies seem haphazard and inconsistent. Billions are lost to corruption and inefficiency and the people are told that they must pay. It's no surprise that a recent survey showed 85% of people hope that the Pakatan Rakyat comes to power soon.

The government will argue that an increase in the price of petroleum was inevitable and that the Malaysian people have to adjust their lifestyles and accept. Datuk Seri Anwar will explain that as an oil exporting nation, Malaysia can do a better job taking care of its people and that the government must implement better policies to alleviate hardships of the poor and marginalised and stimulate growth and increase income.

We hope you will watch the debate. Call your family members. Call you friends. Meet up at a local cafe or restaurant and watch the debate together. It is a rare chance that you will have to hear both sides of the story at the same time.

The debate will be broadcast live at 9:00 PM on Tuesday, July 15th 2008.

TV9 - (ASTRO Ch 119)
Astro Awani - (ASTRO Ch 501)
Bernama.TV - (ASTRO Ch 502)

IP Global TV will host a live feed via webcast.

Anwar's reply to the Police

Ruj. Tuan:
Ruj. Kami: SNN/DSAI/08 (Crim)

Tarikh : 14-7-2008

50560 KUALA LUMPUR Faks: 03-22731326

Ybhg Datuk,


Dengan segala hormatnya kami merujuk kepada persidangan akhbar pihak polis pada jam 3.30 petang pada hari ini bahawa anakguam kami telah tidak menghadirkan diri atau tidak mematuhi kepada perintah di bawah s. 111 Kanun Acara Jenayah.

3. Kami juga merujuk kepada panggilan telefon dan pesanan mesej ringkas peguam kami Encik S N Nair kepada DSP Jude pada jam 4.00 petang pada hari ini yang memohon kepada pihak polis supaya menyerahkan secara sempurna perintah tersebut kepada anakguam kami yang sedang berada di rumah di Segambut Dalam Kuala Lumpur.

4. Sebagai peguam kami dapati bahawa tindakan pihak polis meninggalkan sesalinan perintah di bawah s. 111 KAJ seperti yang telah diperkatakan oleh pihak polis (sekiranya tepat) kepada salah seorang yang berada di rumah anakguam kami adalah tidak sempurna atau teratur mengikut s. 111 KAJ di mana seksyen tersebut mengkehendaki perintah tersebut diserahkan secara kediri anakguam kami. Anggapan pihak polis bahawa perintah tersebut telah diserahkan kepada anakguam kami adalah sah di sisi undang-undang adalah tidak tepat.

5. Oleh itu kami berharap agar pihak polis dapat menyerahkan perintah tersebut secara kediri kepada anakguam kami yang sekarang ini berada di rumahnya di Segambut Dalam Kuala Lumpur. Anakguam kami sedang menunggu perintah tersebut diserahkan kepadanya secara kediri pada bila-bila masa.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar,


s.k. anakguam Menteri Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Malaysia Putrajaya Faks: 03-88891713

Meeting with Kinrara Tamil School (8 July)

On the 8th of July , I visited the Kinrara Tamil School. The school exists on the boarder of Selangor and Wilayah, the school board wants to expand its current land area. It was a very tricky and complicated situation that I was attempting to explain to the school Board. The meeting proceeded as planned, the Board now has to come to a conclusion on how or what exactly it is they are going to do.

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Launch of Gotong-Royong Perdana

On the 6th of July, Dr Xavier's Office with the assistance of MBPJ, co-ordinated and carried out the launch of the Gotong-Royong Perdana. The aim of the GRP, is to initiate fresh efforts at all the local councils in Selangor, to combat Dengue. Dengue is the main reason the gotong-royong needs to be carried out. In the next month or so there will hopefully be more gotong-royongs carried out throughout selangor. The ADUNs play a very important role in pushing the local councils to carry out gotong-royong's properly. There must be co-ordination of tractors (to clean drains), lorries and manpower (malaysian rakyat), for any gotong-royong to be effective. We sincerely hope the dengue numbers decrease in the weeks to come.

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Statements on retraction of Statutory Declaration


Statements by YB Sivarasa Rasiah -VP of Parti Keadilan Rakyat
4 July 2008, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia


Yesterday, in this very room, in the presence of many of you here again today, Mr. Bala Subramanian released a Statutory Declaration which gave evidence of criminal suppression of evidence and perjury in the Altantuya murder case. In front of dozens of persons, Mr. Bala stood by his sworn statement, but in an answer to a question he acknowledged his fear for his personal security due to the power and position of those he has implicated. I am very troubled that last night, one way or another, and true to Mr. Bala’s concerns, another crime was committed. The crime was something which caused Mr. Bala this morning to retract the statements he made on Tues 1st July 2008 and revealed publicly yesterday. In particular we have taken notice that line by line the specific statements that were revised in Bala’s new statement have selectively removed those which specifically implicate the Deputy Prime Minister by name.

This sorry episode confirms again what Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said yesterday - that there is a consistent pattern of manipulation of the criminal justice system in this country. Last night witnessed yet another instance of manipulation of evidence relevant to the most significant murder trial in recent times.
We are fully satisfied that the first statutory declaration by Mr. Bala was voluntary and with the intention the truth should no longer be hidden from the public – that it was important for us to know the secrets he had carried with him since October /November 2006. Our confidence in the original declaration is based on the information given to us by Mr. Americk Singh Sidhu and our observation of Mr. Bala himself. For the record, his SD was first shown to us on Wednesday 2 July, one day after it was attested to with his attorney on Tuesday the 1st.

Now the key question arises – which of these two statutory declarations represents the truth? This is the question that the Royal Commission we called for yesterday must immediately deal with first.

The fact that the retraction was done so speedily and in circumstances where Mr. Bala says it was made under duress but will not name who pressured him speak for themselves.

Who would have a motive to send Mr. Bala to make such damaging allegations against the police, the AG’s Chamber and Datuk Seri Najib with the idea that he would then withdraw it the next day to attempt to embarrass us? It’s difficult to think of anyone.

Who however would have a motive to intimidate Mr.Bala last night to retract his statement immediately? Obviously, from the contents of his first statutory declaration, a number of people would have that interest.

We demand that a Royal Commission be established to investigate the key question stated above – which of these two statutory declarations represents the truth?

This issue must also be ventilated in the Altantuya trial by all parties there so that the truth is established. In fact, the prosecution is now duty-bound to reinvestigate all of Mr.Bala’s allegations.

Sivarasa Rasiah
Vice President, Parti Keadilan Rakyat
