Launch of Gotong-Royong Perdana

On the 6th of July, Dr Xavier's Office with the assistance of MBPJ, co-ordinated and carried out the launch of the Gotong-Royong Perdana. The aim of the GRP, is to initiate fresh efforts at all the local councils in Selangor, to combat Dengue. Dengue is the main reason the gotong-royong needs to be carried out. In the next month or so there will hopefully be more gotong-royongs carried out throughout selangor. The ADUNs play a very important role in pushing the local councils to carry out gotong-royong's properly. There must be co-ordination of tractors (to clean drains), lorries and manpower (malaysian rakyat), for any gotong-royong to be effective. We sincerely hope the dengue numbers decrease in the weeks to come.

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