The past four years we have seen the tactics used by BN to further their political agenda was mainly done by two groups, namely the frogs who crossed over and the so call BN sponsored NGO.

We thought they would have learned a lesson after the 13GE, but no, they have started where they left off. Using the services of these failed politician,who the people have rejected to do their bidding. These are the ones who are speaking for them against PR. It is high time Najib and his gang start standing up for them selves, and realize that the people have spoken.

We need to seriously look at the election process, it's weakness and change for the the better. BN is a minority government and as such should listen to what the people have to say rather than making seditious statements asking the majority to leave the country. 

We the people will remember this for a long time, we will show you when the time comes.
So please stop using these political prostitutes to try and win your argument and policies, because you will fail and fail again.

