Thursday, 6th November - Subang Jaya,
I managed to make a quick visit to the Dyslexia Association's Subang Jaya branch Centre on Thursday morning before heading of to Kuang. I met with the teachers and volunteers of the centre, as well as the children who are there for remedial teaching. The state govt. through my office made a donation of RM 10,000 to the Association.
Dyslexia has been a cause that is close to my heart ever since Sheila and I found that our youngest son was Dyslexic about 15 years ago. Dyslexia is a Specific Learning Disability that affects about 10% of children. A Dyslexic child commonly has problems reading and writing, and often mispells words, and write his alphabets backwards. eg. Hostipal, Mostiqo,. But a dyslexic is usually very very intelligent, which is why most parents fail to pick it up, because everyone around the child feels that the kid is just playing the fool. So parents I hope you read and ensure that if your child is facing problems in school you are aware that he may have a learning disability.
In Malaysia, the attention and acknowledgement of Dyslexia is still very backward. Our children still do not get the attention and help they need in Government Schools. The sad part is that even most of the teachers don't know what dyslexia is. My wife Sheila has spent a large part of the last 15 years, telling people about dyslexia. The Centre in Subang Jaya, takes in children and specifically gives them the right tools to learn how to read and spell. They teach them phonics and provide the children a time-frame to get back on track.
You can find more information at these sites :-
The painting I am holding, was a gift from Henry, the young man standing to my right.
Henry is the son of one of the volunteers at the Centre, and he is dyslexic, but this boy paints very beautiful paintings.
Pejabat Persatuan Dyslexia Subang Jaya,
No: 2, Jalan 6/2B, UEP Subang Jaya