I am absolutely outraged and upset that the UMNO-BN run government is so power-crazy and desperate that they have succumbed to such despicable acts.
The use of the ISA for ANY !! (and I mean ANY!!) PURPOSE is totally unacceptable.
Below is from the free version of MALAYSIAKINI
ISA: Teresa Kok turut ditahan |
Sep 12, 08 11:59pm |
Pemimpin DAP, Teresa Kok turut ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) hari ini. Beliau merupakan orang ketiga ditahan hari ini di bawah ISA, selepas editor Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamaruddin dan wartawan Sin Chew Daily, Tan Hoon Cheng.
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