Unofficial Results of Permatang Pauh

Since Malaysiakini, is really taking on a heavy load today, we'll post what we receive via sms

09:30 pm : VIA SMS FROM DR XAVIER : Total boxes 111, counted 105, not counted 6, AKIM 89 votes ,PKR 29526 votes , BN 14 444 [maj 15 082]

09:12 pm : Official EC result : With 11 more boxes to go, Anwar has won the by-election with a 14,551 majority.

08:32 pm : PKR has claimed (as we are forced to before anyone tries any funny tricks) that Anwar has won by a majority of 17,652 obtaining 31,949 votes. BN's Arif Shah garnered 14,297 votes

At 8pm Dr Xavier called to let us know that the crowd was so heavy and the roads jammed, that he was considering walking to the announcement centre.

08:18 pm : Unofficial Anwar is the winner, obtaining a majority of 16,210. He
garnered in 26,646 while Arif Omar (BN) took 10,435 votes

07:57 pm : Despite lower turnout of 65%, unofficial results from vote count so far indicate Anwar Ibrahim making significant gains


ken said...

Becareful! the F party did second read in DNA degree their motive is extremely obvious!
