Press Release : PKNS issue 31 Oktober



31 OKTOBER 2008

Penubuhan Jawatankuasa Pemilihan untuk perlantikan Pengurus Besar Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS)

Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) dalam mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah Rabu lalu, telah mengesahkan keputusan Dato Menteri Besar Selangor untuk melanjutkan tarikh persaraan Timbalan Pengurus Korporat dan Akaun Puan Low Siew Moi selama satu tahun. Dalam mesyuarat yang sama, ahli Lembaga Pengarah juga telah bersetuju supaya Puan Low melaksanakan urusan penanggungan kerja sebagai Pengurus Besar PKNS sehingga Pengurus Besar yang baharu dilantik.

Dalam mesyuarat tersebut, Lembaga Pengarah juga telah berbincang mengenai sambutan yang baik yang telah diterima dari Bumiputera professional di dalam dan di luar PKNS yang menyatakan hasrat mereka untuk memikul jawatan Pengurus Besar perbadanan tersebut. Atas sebab itu, pihak Lembaga Pengarah telah membuat keputusan untuk menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa pemilihan untuk meneliti semua permohonan dan seterusnya menyenaraipendekkan calon-calon terbaik untuk dibawa kepada Lembaga Pengarah dan Menteri Besar selaku Pengerusi PKNS.

Jawatankuasa pemilihan tersebut akan dianggotai oleh Encik Zain Azhari, peguam kanan di syarikat guaman Zain & Co, Datuk Azlan Hashim seorang akauntan bertauliah dan dua ahli Lembaga Pengarah PKNS iaitu Ketua Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Dato’ Ramli Mahmud dan Pegawai Kewangan Negeri Dato’ Mohd Ariff Ab Rahman.

Buat masa sekarang, Lembaga Pengarah PKNS sedang mempertimbangkan sebanyak 15 permohonan dikalangan Bumiputera professional yang kebanyakkannya mempunyai pengalaman atau kelayakan dalam bidang pembangunan perumahan dan hartanah.

Calon-calon yang telah disenarai-pendek akan dirujuk kepada satu lagi jawatankuasa teknikal yang terdiri daripada ahli-ahli beberapa persatuan yang berkaitan dengan bidang pembangunan perumahan dan hartanah untuk semakan dan pengesahan kejayaan kerjaya mereka.

Proses menemuduga akan bermula Khamis depan dan PKNS dijangka akan mengumumkan keputusan dalam masa sebulan.

Sekretariat Akhbar

Pejabat YAB. Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor

Dato Seri's Hari Raya Open House

YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar & Isteri
Dr Xavier , Dato Seri, Datin Seri Wan Azizah & Sheila D.

Dato Seri, Datin Seri Wan Azizah & YB Azmin Ali

Dato Seri, Datin Seri Wan Azizah

Sunday October 12, 2008

Story and Photo by CHRISTINA TAN (courtesy THESTAR Online / The STAR pg 8)

Some 140 security personnel at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (HTAR) here went on strike for 15 hours on Friday over a salary dispute. The 70 personnel who were to report for night shift at 8pm, refused to do so. Langahati Kuwak, 54, a security supervisor, said the company, an outsourcing company with the Health Ministry at HTAR, had not paid their basic salary since June. He said their full salary was about RM800 each. “Our life is in limbo now, I have four school-going children in Semporna, Sabah, and I need to send money home,” he said.

Langahati said they were paid a few times a month, between RM100 and RM200 each time. Unhappy workers: Dr Xavier (second right) speaking to the security personnel who went on strike over salary dispute at the Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Saturday. “But the partial salary that I received is not enough even for myself,” he said.

State Health, Plantation Work­ers, Poverty and Caring Govern­ment committee chairman Dr A. Xavier Jayakumar said he had contacted the director of the security company on the matter. “The company has promised to meet with the hospital director to sort out the matter before Wednesday. “If the company fails to do so, the state government might suggest that the hospital write a recommendation letter to the ministry to terminate the services of the security company,” he said.

Dr Xavier said the delay in paying salaries was a serious matter as hospital security would be at stake with no security officers. Dr Xavier added the state government would investigate claims by some of the personnel that their employer had not made contributions to the Employees Provident Fund and Socso.

Meeting the security personnel at the hospital at 11am yesterday, he told them to get back to work and let the hospital management and state government resolve the problem. HTAR director Dr Ghazali Hasni Md Hassan said the security company started its services at the hospital in June. All the security personnel working at the HTAR were Malay­­sians

Rumah Terbuka MB di SUK


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