Happy New Year 2015

Never has any nation lost 3 planes in a disaster in one year. Floods of the worst kind and religions racial sentiments so openly and publicly expressed. It's been a tough year, the coming year is no better, with oil prices at the level they are does not augur well for a smooth 2015.

Our main worry is the changes  that are taking place now, the inter-religion, inter-ethnics conflicts which we see now, have not been played out so publicly which is threatening peace and harmony in the country.

Rather than paying attention to the needs of the people, groups seem to be more interested in religious and racial issues.

Our educational system needs a revamp but we don’t seem to want to make a change for the better. Again we fight over religion and race, rather than a system which we move the nation forward.

The country does not need Hudud now, what it needs is social and economic changes which will see us through these challenging times.

Selangor has had a turbulent year, with a change in leadership. We had to do it to save guard Selangor and to move forward. After all the controversy, Y.B. Azmin Ali has been given the mandate for the next 3 years. We congratulate him in the first 100 days (the honeymoon is over), now we have to prove to the public that we made the right choice. The MB must be prepared to make some brave changes, some of which may not go down well with our PR members. But these choices need to be made to proof that changes will bring about rewards in the long term.

Some of the area which Selangor should concentrate on are:

1.    To improve infrastructure in the rural area, to provide growth, with the opening up of these areas, eg., Sabak Bernam, Sg Besar.

2.    To rejuvenate Bukit Beruntung and Lembah Beringin. These two should be given extra attention e.g. Bukit Beruntung should have a railway stop; we should work with KTM to expedite this process. It needs re-planning, with the state taking the lead and inviting the private sector in this program.

3.    Affordable housing is a must.  We must use all our means to make this a success.

4.    Improve the quality of the local councils. Action must be taken against council that do not follow instructions and seem to delay the work. People want to see these changes!

5.    Federal agencies e.g., JKR, JPS must work with the government of the day to make sure taxpayers money is used properly.

We must not forget that Selangor contributes about 25% towards national GDP. The Selangor people demand that an appropriate sum be spent in Selangor. We need more hospitals, health care facilities, dialysis centres, public transport infrastructure and more schools!

With the implementation of GST, again Selangor will pay the most to the Federal Welfares, we need to see more changes.

Yes, the coming Year is going to be tough, but if we move as a nation everyone will benefit.  The future is bright, let’s respect one another and enjoy the fruits of our nation.


Selangor State Assemblyman – Seri Andalas
Parti KEADILAN Rakyat Vice President

