On Saturday night, 14 May 2011, YB Dr Xavier attended the Tamil Methodist Church Petaling Jaya’s 25th Anniversary Celebrations.  During this dinner, an audio CD recorded by the Junior Worship Team was launched.  All proceeds from the sale of this audio CD will be channelled to the Desa Mentari Education Fund. 

Desa Mentari was chosen as it is a densely populated area with about 15,000 people, out of which approximately  6,000 are students.  The residents here are also facing other socio-economic problems including poverty, poor healthcare, unemployment, single mothers and a host of related problems.

The Desa Mentari Education Centre (DMEC) will provide the opportunity to underprivileged students at all levels to receive assistance through seminars, free tuition classes and other initiatives. The first Parenting Seminar:- to create awareness on the importance of education, is scheduled for the first week of June this year to be held at a community hall nearby.  

As their chairman said “What better way to share God’s blessings then with the under privileged through education as it is the key factor for change in any society.”  YB Dr Xavier pledged  RM25,000 from the state to help set up this centre.

